We know exactly how you feel…


Raising children is tough, there’s no way around it. Everywhere you go you hear different, conflicting advice…

“Expose your child to brain teasing apps”

“Make sure your child doesn’t spend too much time in front of a screen”

It can be difficult to get things straight. The Downriver Parenting Institute offers high-quality workshops that allow you to develop the parenting skills  and routines you want so that you can have the environment you want for your family. 

And how do you know where your child measures up? We’ll help you by showing you the milestones you should be tracking.

And how do you know if your parenting skills measure up?  We offer you use the Parenting Framework to assess your skills and knowledge, and then choose a plan to develop the skills and get the information you want.  



Parenting Framework

 Parenting takes skills no one teaches... until now. We've put together information about the skills, routines, and knowledge you need to become a highly effective parent.

Child Milestones

Wondering if your child is behind, on target, or falling behind? We've gathered examples of developmental milestones that you can use to keep track of progress.

Apply For Workshops

Join us with special guest Bob Sornson, Ph.D., internationally recognized author and speaker for two free workshop series (each 4-5 sessions) for Downriver parents.


Apply for our Upcoming Workshops